Amazon Smile


Dont forget.. only 49 days till Christmas! (11/6/17)

If your shopping.. consider using Amazon Smile. A percentage of your sale goes directly to your charity of choice ( Elf Patrol).

Very quick and easy to sign up. They ask a few general questions, then add it to your Amazon account. You only have to log out through Amazon Smile.. and they take care of the rest.

And if you would be so kind, please share. Every little bit will help us to help the little ones.

Thank you!!!!




Prime Day is all day, today. (7/11/17)

Even if you dont want to chose us as your charity, dont miss the great deals they have!

When you #StartWithaSmile on #PrimeDay, Amazon donates to Elf Patrol Incorporated. Shop for great deals at

Please share!

When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon will donate to Elf Patrol Incorporated. Support us every time you shop.